The Hunt Series-Ep 1
Upon her request , I am gonna start blogging about the my primordial hunting ritual with this girl (although seriously at the pace its going it seems more like gathering fruit, picking berries or game fishing.)
So what could possibly make an overworked, dude who, all in a week , apart from having a hectic week at work,had his expensive training manuals drenched in the rain coz he forgot to close his car window, just discovered he took a pretty big darn pay cut due to making too many calls on his company phone, got a near death scare when his walkie talkie almost went missing (raising a very real fear of an even bigger pay cut),that his bonus may not be out in the bank as soon as he thinks he would be and that he had racked up a pretty big repair bill for his near dying car, and that the pretty, gorgeous new Civic he has been eyeing in an auction place has a one digit registration number,now making it near impossible to own it (now some vultures will be out not for the Civic, but for the freaking license plate) and that some of his unit trusts actually went down in value....He ended the week watching Happy Feet - a movie that actually pissed him off- looking like a lousy mix between a documentary and a musical, two of his least liked movie genres.And Minishorts was right- Nicole Kidman's voice is damned irritating.What could possibly make his week?
Well if you'd been remotely bothered to follow the drama in this blog you'd know that I've told the girl I like her and so far she has not thrown any cold water on the idea yet, which is pretty encouraging la (to those guys cackling at this point, no, she is not blind, nor deaf, nor has she been living in Mars for the last few years)
Yea, and today marked a milestone in this hunt.With quite a few um, spears if you will, flying left and right and if I read the messages correctly it is no longer a question of if, but when.And when should be coming up soon-ish la.Apparently driving up to pick her from a train station would have helped my bonus points la, but she kinda arrived early, and by proxy, that would mean I arrived late, but at least now she knows I mean well, sincere la to say the least ;). The message count now stands at 40 on her side, 43 on my side :P , that would be for today only, that is :P
Well as I told her via phone
Price of petrol to train station - RM 1
Medication to prevent cold- RM 3
Hearing I am 'Almost there' -Priceless.
Yea sappy and pretty cheap la but it kinda made my day (smiles). And so that would be my milestone for the day.Back to some serious posts before some more sappy stories if it arises.
Oh yea specific request was asked to blog about this incident where I answered my bosses' call this evening and thought it was her.As a result my house is now wet. (as I cut short my bath for it) Turns out it was not her and when I mentioned it to her, she of course, ROTFLed and and asked me to include it in la (I hope you having a field day reading this)
At least I recovered some data packets today.Till the next post :D
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